Summary Statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS and gene prioritization datasets by Susztak Lab

The genome coordinates used in these datasets is based on human assembly GRCh37 (hg19)


eGFRcrea GWAS (multiancestry): eGFRcrea_GWAS_Multi_2.2M_Individuals_Summary_Statistics.txt.gz

This table provides summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis in multiancestry populations with a total sample size of 2,287,877.


eGFRcrea GWAS (European ancestry): eGFRcrea_GWAS_EUR_1.7M_Individuals_Summary_Statistics.txt.gz

This table provides summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis in European ancestry populations with a total sample size of 1,785,582.


eGFRcrea GWAS (East Asian ancestry): eGFRcrea_GWAS_EAS_282K_Individuals_Summary_Statistics.txt.gz

This table provides summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis in East Asian ancestry populations with a total sample size of 282,852.


eGFRcrea GWAS (African ancestry): eGFRcrea_GWAS_AFR_67K_Individuals_Summary_Statistics.txt.gz

This table provides summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis in African ancestry populations with a total sample size of 67,943.


Genome-wide Kidney Disease Genetic Scorecard: Genome_wide.Kidney.Disease.Genetic.Scorecard.xlsx

This table provides the prioritization scorecard for each significant GWAS variant associated with eGFRcrea in 2.2 million multiancestry populations.


Human Kidney Tubular ASE Associations: ASE_RASQUAL_613_Tubule_Significant_Associations.txt.gz

This table provides 1,131,864 significant Variant~Gene pairs identified by tubular ASE analysis in 613 tubular samples using a false discovery rate (FDR) threshold of < 0.01.


Human Kidney Glomerular ASE Associations: ASE_RASQUAL_522_Glomeruli_Significant_Associations.txt.gz

This table provides 1,138,707 significant Variant~Gene pairs identified by glomerular ASE analysis in 522 glomerular samples Glomerular a FDR threshold of < 0.01.


snATAC Resolved Open Chromatin Peaks in human kidney: Human.Kidney.OpenChromatin.snATAC.resolved.ATAC.Peaks.bed.gz

This table provides 524,324 open chromatin peaks identified by integrating 96 human kidney samples and 62,278 cells from 19 cell types of human kidneys. These peaks were used in bASA, snASA and Open4Gene analysis.


Human Kidney bASA Associations: bASA_RASQUAL_82_Kidney_Significant_Associations.txt.gz

This table provides 650,237 significant Variant~Peak pairs identified by bulk kidney allele-specific accessibility (bASA) analysis in 82 kidney samples using a FDR threshold of < 0.05.


Human Kidney Cell Type snASA Associations: snASA_237K_Cells_Significant_Associations.txt.gz

This table provides 25,766 SNPs exhibiting significant snASA (FDR < 0.05) in at least one kidney cell type, identified by snATAC-based allele-specific accessibility (snASA) analysis.


Peak-to-gene Associations Analyzed by Open4Gene: Open4Gene_62K_Cells_Peak_to_Gene_Summary_Statistics.txt.gz

This table provides peak-to-gene associations quantified by the package Open4Gene in 62,278 kidney cells profiled by 10X single cell multiome (ATAC + RNA).


Peak-to-gene Associations Identified by Open4Gene:Open4Gene_62K_Cells_Peak_to_Gene_Significant_Associations.txt.gz

This table provides significant peak-to-gene associations in 62,278 kidney cells by Open4Gene using FDR < 0.01.