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Summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis of 1.5 million individuals:


This table provides the summary statistics of eGFRcrea GWAS meta-analysis of 1.5 million individuals.


Significant eGFRcrea variants identified in this study:


This table provides 90,950 significant variants associated with eGFRcrea by threshold of < 5e-8 and the validation based on eGFRcys and BUN.



MarkerName: RSID of variant

CHR: Chromosome (hg19) of variant

POS: Genome position (hg19) of variant

REF: Reference allele of variant based on dbSNP

ALT: Alternative allele of variant based on dbSNP

Freq_ALT: Frequency of alternative allele

MAF: Minor allele frequency

Zscore: Z score from meta-analysis, reported with respect to alternative allele

BETA: Effect size estimated from the z-statistics of the meta-analysis following a method proposed by Zhu et al. Nature Genetics (2016).

SE: Standard error of effect size, stimated from the z-statistics of the meta-analysis following a method proposed by Zhu et al. Nature Genetics (2016).

P.value: P value from meta-analysis

N: Sample size

Direction: Direction of effect size in each study, reported with respect to alternative allele

HetISq, HetChiSq, HetDf, HetPVal: heterogeneity statistics from METAL